Virtual Training Program (6 pack)


Virtual Training Program (6 pack)


The Virtual Training Program (VTP) has been an incredibly successful model for Kyle Warren Dogs (KWD) students all over North America for years. The VTP is designed to incorporate a couple other KWD products purchased separately to maximize the comfort and efficiency of remote learning.

The Family Dog Fundamentals E-Book serves as a perfectly detailed syllabus of everything Kyle will teach you in this course. For quality visual repetitive learning it’s recommended that you take a look at our Vimeo On Demand page for Kyle Warren Dogs.

The VTP is a 6 lesson package. Each virtual lesson is 45 minutes in length and additional time is billed accordingly at the equivalent rate paid by Venmo, Apple Pay or on website store page under “Add-on lesson payments.” Whether it’s 6 lessons or 6 months Kyle is here to help every step of the way. Within a virtual lesson Kyle and his students with do a combination interactions—

  1. Phone consults

  2. Video chats in Face Time, Whats App, or Zoom

  3. Texted/streamed student training videos that receive emailed critique from Kyle with reported logged time sheet that’s cumulative until equals a 45 minute lesson.

  4. E-Book chapter reading homework in between the weekly or twice weekly lessons schedule.

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